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Prostate cancer in the news today. Let's talk about early diagnosis & PSA Tests.

02 Feb, 2018 | Return|


Good to see men's health, prostate cancer and early diagnosis in the headlines and being talked about, including about PSA tests.

There are some good articles in the news today, and also interesting positive comments to these articles (Social Media, news websites) from men who have been diagnosed early and have had successful treatments. These early diagnoses are frequently thanks to having a PSA Test and following it up with their health professional. Some have commented on the need to have a regular test too and monitor any trends in your score.
Fact is, we still don't really have anything other than PSA testing as yet that can be used as a potential indicator of prostate disease. There are great strides however in using MRI scans and not having to have biopsies after potential disease is found from abnormal PSA levels. (See article : Latest research shows clear benefits of MRI scanning before biopsies.).
These are all things we at GFCT have been emphasizing for many years. We are processing more PSA tests and helping find more cancers.
Over 84,000 PSA tests done now and over 1,280 known cancers identified. Let alone the many thousands of men we help raise awareness and re-assure with regular tests.
The results letters we send out provide further information, make suggestions on what can be done next (If needed), and with helpful advice on abnormal results that can be taken to the GP.

We can't say it enough, and we know through the many thanks we regularly receive that it's right :-

  • Men over 40 - Get yourself PSA tested !
  • Know your score - get a regular test.
  • Women - Get the man in your life tested. We know it is often only through female persuasion that us men do something about our health. 
  • Share and talk about it with colleagues, friends, family - it's important to be aware of your health and to do something about it. The PSA blood test is only 15 minutes of your time. That could be a life-saving 15 minutes.
For more details of test events in your area, statistics and lots more information visit our website:

Some articles in the news today:
Quote from Roger Wotton, chairman of Tackle Prostate Cancer (In Guardian article)  “This is a wake-up call for men and for the health service. Women have screening for breast cancer and this is one reason why mortality rates for prostate cancer are now higher than those for breast cancer. We need to get the prostate cancer mortality figures down, particularly as one third of men diagnosed already have advanced prostate cancer. We need earlier diagnosis and a better-informed testing regime.”
Read about Gary Pettit, aged 42 when he had a routine medical and had no symptoms, but an abnormal PSA test score. Diagnosed and successfully treated.
Quoting Gary - "There is so much awareness about breast cancer. But there is still a big taboo about prostate cancer. It is a bloke-ish tendency to bury your head in the sand and not talk about it. For me there was no middle ground. I never had symptoms and when I was tested it was quite aggressive, so it was just a case of going into surgery. I think some men who have symptoms ignore them. They need to talk about it. What has happened to me shows you can come through it."Read more:
BBC News:
What is the test for prostate cancer and when should you have a screening?

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