The GFCT Blog

We are always striving to spread awareness about the importance of early diagnosis and how it can be life saving. Keep up with our news at the charity as well as industry-wide updates through our blog and social media platforms.



18 Jan, 2021 | Return|

"Thank you for your recent letter enquiring after my PSA blood test results, as arranged with GFCT at Fratton Park. As you noted in your letter, I had a Red Letter showing a slightly high result and as a response to that letter I saw my G.P. the next day and we had a discussion about the results.

He gave me a digital rectal examination and he wasn’t too concerned but he arranged for another blood test and an appointment with an Urologist at our local hospital. The second blood test came back slightly lower at 6.1.

On the 21st May I saw the Urologist, Mr Richard Robinson, who did a D.R.E. and he was not overly concerned but he arranged for a Pelvis Prostate MRI scan on the 27th May.The results showed an area within the prostate that required biopsy.

On the 8th June, a Saturday, I had the biopsy done at Q.A. hospital. After waiting a long 6 weeks for the results, I saw a Cancer nurse who informed that it was cancer but early localised stage. The biopsy was on 4 places but only 1 place had cancer.

She thought it would be a choice of radiotherapy or a prostatectomy.She authorised a bone scan and a CT scan and informed me that if they were all clear then I could choose one of these treatments.On the 19th August, I returned to the Urology department to see a Consultant who gave me the good news that they could offer treatment and I chose a prostatectomy after long discussions with my wife and plenty of research on the internet, we thought this would be the best option.I now have an appointment for the operation on 18th September.

I still have nothing to indicate that I have this cancer, so true to say, that without this blood test, I would have been unaware until things would have become serious and not a good outcome.I am not understating that this blood test has probably saved my life, so thanks to everyone involved with this charity.

Please feel free to make use or promote the charity as you wish and know that I have advised men to go for this blood test if they can or ask their GP’s for it. “

Mr D Porter of Southsea

10th September 2019

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