The GFCT Blog

We are always striving to spread awareness about the importance of early diagnosis and how it can be life saving. Keep up with our news at the charity as well as industry-wide updates through our blog and social media platforms.

A silver lining of the "Covid Cloud" has been the opportunity it's given us to launch the above which is a vision we've had for the last 3 years. The system is a mirror image of our traditional events testing system with all results being over viewed by a panel of urologists with the same comprehensive result reporting system as before. Following a 100 men pilot in June we've already received well over 1400 orders to date and have already found well over 50 reds in the first batches of returned ...
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This is a headline taken from a recent article from the Birmingham Prostate Clinic addressing the "bad rep" that the PSA test has. It also goes on to say how the "revolutionary" MRI test can help to address the issues with unnecessary biopsies.To read the full article click here:
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There can't have been many "silver linings" to the storm clouds created by Covid 19 but a small chink of light for us is the time it's given us to finalise and launch a home testing kit option.For a long time we've been aware of the fairly major weakness in our armoury whereby men have been denied easy access to a test, often because for sound logistical reasons we can only visit certain venues once a year and sadly this often means men missing it through various unavoidable reasons.We were on t...
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A new blood test being described as a liquid biopsy has showed strong potential as an alternative to a traditional biopsy, and could show the likelihood a patient has of recovering as well as potentially showing how likely a patient is to relapse post treatment.Covered her in ITV news: read the original article from The Institute of Cancer Research here:
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"‘Game-changing’ prostate cancer test works in 15 minutes""Scientists have developed a “game-changing” test that can detect prostate cancer.The new 15-minute scan means people can avoid having to undergo rectal examinations, according to researchers.The prostagram treatment trialled by doctors at Imperial College London uses MRI, similar to breast cancer screening for women."This is the wording taken from Science Focus' article written by Alexander McNamara on the 14th May 2020 on a breakthr...
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Whilst we may be in a testing suspension period we continue as best we can to follow up cancer finds arising from our testing and if you go to the download sections of this website you’ll see we’ve now helped find 1925 cancers with more finds coming in every day. The Masonic summary also shows 202 finds with again more coming in almost daily.On the testing front we, like everybody else, are in unknown territory at the minute with many factors affecting when testing may possibly restart includi...
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The European Association of Urology, probably the most informed and expert major international body to make a judgement, has published a clear and unequivocal recommendation in favour of population-based Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) screening to reduce the unacceptable death rate from Prostate Cancer (PCa).In a lengthy paper published in the journal European Urology (Eur Urol, 2019; 76: 142-150), the 12 member expert panel drawn from across Europe, including the UK, has assessed all the key e...
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01 Apr, 2020 |
Given the latest Government advice on the likely prolonged need for isolation and social distancing measures to combat the above crisis, you’ll note from the events list that  with the current exception of one event (and that may well change) we’ve postponed events right through until September.Moreover, whilst we’ve taken a few bookings for these events, we’ve decided to suspend taking any more specific bookings at those events until the picture becomes clearer. We’ll keep this under const...
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After very careful consideration and following discussions with our medical advisers we’ve taken the difficult decision to temporarily suspend our PSA testing programme until the outcome of the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak is known.Whilst we don’t want to appear to be suffering a knee jerk reaction, we do have a set of fairly unusual factors affecting our work in that many of our organising groups…Masons, Lions and PCSG’s etc…are past the first flush of youth and in the case of t...
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You will all be aware of the changing face of the above, and the impact it could have on "large scale" events. We've received a few phone calls asking what our stance is and in general terms it will be to follow Government and NHS advice. If this includes any impact on our events we will contact all organisers immediately to agree the appropriate action to be taken. In the meantime having a supply of antiseptic hand gels available at events is clearly no bad thing.On a more positive note - a big...
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