The GFCT Blog

We are always striving to spread awareness about the importance of early diagnosis and how it can be life saving. Keep up with our news at the charity as well as industry-wide updates through our blog and social media platforms.

Still busy, busy, busy !Take a look at the Download section on the website for the full Stats update:
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What a month and year so far ! We've nearly done a 1,000 more tests than this time last year and last year's included the Reading Lions event which was 1,500 tests ! 
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If you were one of the unfortunate ones trying to get into the car park or couldn't get a test at our last PSA test event in Wadebridge on the 30th March, then good news ..We have another event booked at the same place on the 18th April from 6:30 - 9:30pmNo need to book, just drop in. Hopefully not too long a wait this time, but the bar will be open again!
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This is a short article that discusses the PSA Test and why, for the foreseeable future, it still remains the best approach for early diagnosis of prostate cancer.PSA Testing An Informed ApproachThe author, Chris Booth is the Clinical Director for the men's health charity CHAPS and has a vast amount of experience in Urology. You can find links to CHAPS and Tackle (Where Chris is also on the Clinical Advisory Board) on our website : LinksThis document is also available in our download section on ...
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20/03/2018're at the Valley this weekend at the Charlton vs Plymouth match. Open to all home and away fans, come along and get yourself tested before the game. 
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The condition affects one in eight men yet thousands die of embarrassment, not wanting to talk to a doctor about what can be an intimate issueA good article in the Daily Mirror last week: 
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Take a look at what we've been up to.Our General Statistics and also the Masonic Summary have been updated (Data to the end of February 2018) and are now available on our website (Downloads section) - Link
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Daily Mail Saturday 3rd March 2018Note the first action point, referrals are "..usually because of an adverse blood test",  which means PSA blood tests need to be had in the first instance.Know your PSA Score !Ask your GP for one (They are obliged to provide a PSA test if over 50) or look on our website for a testing event near you - LinkFull article - links to the same news item:BB...
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[youtube]Just added this very good video onto our website taken by Clearwater Photography at a PSA testing event at Fleet in 2016. It includes the talk that David Baxter-Smith has done on many occasions at PSA testing events and includes information on prostate health, prostate disease symptoms, the PSA test and what happens following the test.Links:Our website (PSA Tests page)YouTube
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Sue and I were lucky enough to secure two places at the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies conference entitled "Prostate Cancer Europe" in Brussels recently.The conference was attended by a broad church of expertise and from across the length and breadth of Europe with a wide range of expertise in all forms of Prostate Cancer diagnosis and treatment.We will be submitting  our up to 800 word recommendation to the ICPS by the deadline of the 16th March for potential inclusion in the 'G...
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