The GFCT Blog

We are always striving to spread awareness about the importance of early diagnosis and how it can be life saving. Keep up with our news at the charity as well as industry-wide updates through our blog and social media platforms.

Article from Chris Booth, a retired and very experienced urulogist and Clinical Director at CHAPS.NEWSFLASH: PROSTATE CANCER SCREENINGThis controversy has hit the headlines again with the news that the UK’s annual death toll from Prostate Cancer (PCa) has risen to over 11,800 and now exceeds that for breast cancer. Comparisons between the two cancers are striking!No national screening programme exists for PCa, UK testing and referral guidelines are confusing and PCa attracts less than half the ...
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[gallery ids="104,105,106,107" type="rectangular"]Some pictures from our PSA testing event at Peterborough on the 3rd February. A great day and well organised.Letters in the post soon !
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Good to see men's health, prostate cancer and early diagnosis in the headlines and being talked about, including about PSA tests.There are some good articles in the news today, and also interesting positive comments to these articles (Social Media, news websites) from men who have been diagnosed early and have had successful treatments. These early diagnoses are frequently thanks to having a PSA Test and following it up with their health professional. Some have commented on the need to have a re...
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Latest research shows clear benefits for men with a raised PSA score having an MRI Scan before a biopsy, whereby around 40,000 per year of painful and potentially risky biopsies can be avoided.Click here for a more detailed summary of the findings: PROMIS Study - MRI ScansThis can also be found on our website Downloads section.The summary sheet is sent out with all of our PSA result red letters.The full study (Published in the Lancet) can be found here
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An interesting analysis of the use of the 'Free to Total' test that is requested by GFCT for all PSA results over 1.5.For a definition of what Free to Total is, please see the Definitions page on our website :  Definitions page linkThe overall analysis has been added to the Statistics page on the website : Statistics page linkHere is the Summary of the analysisThe line to note is the percentage of cancer finds where the Free to Total Ratio is below 18% - 87.47% suggesting the FTR figure is a goo...
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A slow paced version of the beautiful game, for those living with Prostate Cancer.Sessions Free of Charge.For more details, please see the attached PDF document:17406J - SBITC Mens Health walking football posters (macmillan)
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GFCT has a new Trustee

12 Jan, 2018 |
We are delighted to announce that Wendy Hodgkinson, who has been working with the charity since 2012, has agreed to step up to the role of Trustee with effect from 1st January 2018.Wendy is a HCA with 15 years experience with 3 GP practices in Warwick so is ideally placed to bring to the table considerable experience of dealing with people on a day to day basis in a medical environment.She originally joined as one of our phlebotomy team in 2012 and started on a permanent basis on 1st January 201...
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This is the Summary letter. The detailed statistics can be found on the Statistics section of the website : Website statistics sectionThis will be the last statistics for 2017. More Updates at the start of 2018 !
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[gallery ids="69,70" type="rectangular"]The Chair, Councillor Alan Boad and his Consort, Councillor Sarah Boad invite you to join them for a fundraising Charity Concert.An Evening of Musical Contrasts will be held at the Town Hall, Leamington Spa on Friday 9th of February 2018 from 7pm to 10pm.The evening will be with the nationally acclaimedWarwickshire County ChoristersWarwickshire County Male Voicesand the Spa Strummers Ukulele GroupIn aid of the Chair’s charity, The Graham Fulford Trust and...
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